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Concept of Community College

The community college is an alternative system of education aimed at the empowerment of the disadvantaged and the underprivileged through appropriate skill development leading to gainful employment in collaboration with the local industry and the community and achieves skills for employment and self-employability of people in the society.

The community college promotes job oriented, work related, skill-based and life coping education. The important features of a community college are accessibility, flexibility in curriculum, cost effectiveness, vertical mobility, high job opportunities in commercial and service sectors. The community college movement, aimed at empowering the disadvantaged sections of the society, is today becoming a national phenomenon.


The Objectives of Community Colleges are:-

  • To make skill education relevant to the learner and the community;
  • To integrate relevant skills into the higher education system;
  • To provide entrepreneurial orientation along with required skill training, for self-employment and entrepreneurship development.
  • To provide opportunities for community–based life-long learning by offering courses of general interest to the community for personal development and interest;

Because of the flexibility that community colleges afford, many students do not have to choose between an education and fulfilling other responsibilities – they can do both. — Jill Biden (First Lady USA)